‘Open Society will appear its enemy’—said by Karl Popper
as 10 times, attack as 5 times…’This is a method of ‘Destroying the Enemy’ said
by Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’, simple interpretation: “To punch 10-kg kid with
100-kg boxer’s fist, the later must win!”—This dirty tricks are often used by Taiwan ’s
corrupt entities. On the 24th day of May in 1999, we came to Taipei City Hall
for proposing that “TranSmart card and its transaction reading device (TRD)
will construct a Golden Net (per Fig)→Job Creation→Rich Taiwan …”
preparing 499 million(NT$) for building the plant at Taichung’s Chungkang
Export Processing Zone (TCEPZ), many tycoons came to ask for cooperation as the
said ‘Most Technology-based Investment’ passed by the government (MOEA), and
then the burglary broke our Lab to steal all the RD results, we thus ceased the
investment of TCEPZ and paid the penalty which was required by the authority;
Afterwards, the Investigation bureau attacked us, and the Prosecutors Office and
the Polices were pitching us the stones. In December 2004, a jackal of corrupt
group arrogantly said: “Ha, your 499 million is a little piece; we can destroy
you in 4.99 billion…” (It fulfills Sun Tzu’s ‘Siege as 10 times of the opponent
force’ ) The truth is that ‘our money was self-fund’, but ‘the money of corrupt
group was from the public’. If my sovereign God did not reach his hand, the who
was knocked down would not any possible to alive over the year of 2004. Nevertheless,
today in the end of 2015, our invention-- the instrumental solution originally
for Rich-Taiwan has become the most important part of human lives, and the
commitments of ‘Eliminate Corruption’ were declared from UN’s Global Compact to
TPP. Although ‘Open Society will appear its enemy’—said by Karl Popper (1902-1994);
however, those entities of corruption they have done the exceed rampant attacks,
and they will also not be accepted in this world.