Li-Chang Kuo (A-Chan)
Li-Chang Kuo (A-Chan) born in 1953, Tainan
city of Taiwan ,
started his first business Cheng Kuang Metal Works in 1966 for his father was
put into the jail by the tyrannical authority. As built the ‘Cheng Kuang
Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.’ in 1974, Premier Minister Chiang Ching-Kuo gave
A-Chan four words ‘Benefit Use Care People’(利用厚生) that meant ‘Good at using the
resources to benefit the public.’
Furthermore, Li-Chang Kuo was called as ‘the father of Taiwan ’s Precision Industry’ and ‘the father of Taiwan ’s
Incubator.’ Li-Chang Kuo created thousands of precision parts and electronic
components and the applied materials such as Insulated Plates and Super-fine
Lead Wires in addition to the processing methods and tooling and automation in
ten years. However, his father, Kun-Cheng Kuo thought that the talent should be
used in the social services, not to seek the wealth; so that Li-Chang Kuo moved
to Taipei in
1982 and started his mission of social services.
Li-Chang Kuo taught those who tried starting their businesses about
how to produce the electronic components in the techniques of stamping,
deep-drawing, injection molding and by means of the automation; meanwhile,
rescued the Barbie Doll from the abyss during 1982-1986 to prove his theory of ‘Technologicalization
of Traditional Industry’ was feasible. And further to proceed that ‘Social
Responsibility Investment’ (SRI) from creating new industry for new
jobs to resolve the unemployment problem which was getting worse and serious.
His wife Linda Din invented a new-tech trade and economic system which was
called ‘The eStore System’ (TES) concerning the contactless-tech and
transmission-tech to form a multilateral trading system, would be able to help
nascent entrepreneurs gaining better access to the market. A-Chan played a role
as incubator to accomplish all the components that required by the ‘TES.’
Moreover, Linda Din spoke the topic ‘Market Access’ at APEC 1998 in K.L., Malaysia , and based on the ‘TES’ to
gain the bill of ‘Steering the Electronic Commerce’ at the ministering meeting.
And then submitted ‘Global Channel-TES’ at ‘Growing the APEC SME Exporters
Community II: Business Perspective’ of APEC 2003 to win the best practice, the
theme was initiated by Australia, and the Information Society of 21st
century started beginning since then.
While Li-Chang Kuo participated the APEC 2006 CEO Summit in Hanoi,
Vietnam, the delegates of the economies questioned that the schedule of
proceeding ‘Global Channel-TES’ in order to meet the Bogor Goal; those
delegates astonished that big name ‘Linda Din’ was attacked to sick and beyond
cure, and A-Chan must drop all the works to take care of Linda 24 hours a day;
in the meantime, the attacks came from Taiwan’s Prosecutors Office, Police
Office and Investigation Bureau never stop, but Linda’s invention like
TranSmart card and its reading device (TRD/Toller) had been infringed to use
for profit in the market. Consequently, the delegates said that ‘You’re
persecuted by your government!’ And defined those evildoers as the entities of
corruption. And then, Peru
announced that ‘Lima Anti-Corruption Declaration’ at APEC 2008 to trigger a
tide of combating corruption. Any achievement will be in vain by the corrupt deeds, so that the corruption must be vanished to secure the social responsibility
investment and for establishing the economic society of righteousness.
To start the business for 5 decades, the period can be divided to
two steps:
Step 1. From an impoverished teenager to a conqueror:
Li-Chang Kuo developed a new product for his client normally no more than one
week and no any charge of the RD fee, so that the other makers of eyelet lugs had
diverted in 1967-1970; As to the 1970s, the global market coverage rate more
than 80% of Antenna Terminals of TV Sets was made by A-Chan; and the recording
switches mounted on the cassette player which exported from Taiwan all made by
Step 2. Social Services:
To attain an idea to be real was not too
hard to approach, and to reach a hand to the needy was also a simple thing;
however, time is changing, ‘High-quality Awareness’ has gradually been replaced by the ‘Inferior Consciousness’ to make the society in moan and mourn. So that
one kind of education for raising the high-quality awareness must be advocated
to achieve the common prosperity.
Recall that once a summon came from the mountain top, Li-Chang Kuo
answered the call—‘people through voluntary service to others’ to make the 21st
century information society come true. The Calling indicated that the society
must be common wealth for and of the people, but there are evildoers existed to
do the non-economic interference to hinder the grace. At this turning point of
crucial moment, by faith and believe that ‘The most fierce storm couldn’t drown
a man of faith. The most ruthless enemies couldn’t defeat a determined person.’
And remembered that the
Scripture says “And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in
due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.”