2015年12月12日 星期六

‘ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend

ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend

Written by Li-Chang Kuo

ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend, UN’s Global Compact determined to eliminate corruption for the purpose in order to build sustainable, inclusive and transparent societies. Taiwan’s corrupt group had threatened in December 2004, “Do not let you live over 2004!” After much deliberation, I realized that our mission is just to implement the goal of "everyone has job, and every family has bread", invention of the E-Commerce Industry was only for rich Taiwan and to open the way for next generation  under the LORD’s teach: “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.” However, inventor was actually attacked by the evildoers plus those investigators, prosecutors and polices together as a sort of siege to overthrow to the ground, and it was also really scared someone to death. When I was in extremely dangerous, a voice sounded from the bottom of my heart, followed the instruction to sell my property in very very cheap price and by such resources to take care of the inventor entire year, then redeemed her life; and I further was at APEC 2006 CEO Summit to propose the theme of ‘ANTI-CORRUPTION’ with the other leaders of economies, Taiwan’s public-private hookers were defined as ‘the Entities of Corruption’, but my social service was admired as ‘Open the Way for Next Generation’; in addition, the situation was gradually changed from ‘I bright and enemy dark(我明敵暗)’ to ‘I invisible and enemy expose(敵明我暗)’, the head of corrupt group-- brutal Moab-king found out that he was seeking his ‘Personal Gain’ whole life and finally walking into the valley of death and gave the breath to perish to the dust—his followers foolish enough to keep moving forward into the rat cage and trying to eat the hanging bait. Recently, the leaders of the civilized world have issued the declaration on ‘Anti-Corruption’, TPP Agreement set the rule of ‘Anti-Corruption’ in Chapter 26, emphasized that “TPP Parties agree to ensure certain due process rights for TPP stakeholders in connection with administrative proceedings, including prompt review through impartial judicial or administrative tribunals or procedures. They also agree to adopt or maintain laws criminalising offering to, or solicitation of, undue advantages by a public official, as well as other acts of corruption affecting international trade or investment. Parties also commit to effectively enforce their anticorruption laws and regulations.” Right now, the situation is totally different from December 2004, and indeed in a condition of ‘I relax and enemy toil’, the Most High‘s voice sounds once more, “Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.