2015年12月14日 星期一

A Hundred-year-old Teacher Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu

A Hundred-year-old Teacher Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu

Robotics industry has become a hot topic of speculation for fundraising, someone came to ask how to operate this industry, and a very deep influence teacher to me is natural to think of him, but I can not remember how to think of his name; until the day before yesterday, two presidents of universities talked about ‘Taiwan High-education Industry is disintegrating’ loudly in the TV Talk Show, suddenly, a name ‘Ma Chen-Chiu(馬承九)’ came over my mind. Long time ago, Mr. Ma provided ‘Mechanic Introduction’ to me and let me handle the affairs smoothly on establishing Taiwan’s Precision Industry as well as doing the social services of promoting the Factory Automation. In spite of over forty years, more past images like a movie flashback, for example, I saw Mr. Ma who was riding a bicycle into the campus of Cheng Kung University, very patience in the classroom to explain the relationship between ‘Driver’ and ‘Follower’ of the machine, and sometime he’d told me the stories like “C. W. Musser invented the strain wave gearing (SWG) and bearing set that will bring the era of high-speed machine.”
Mr. Ma was born in 1915, just full of a hundred-year-old, but the nation was very upheaval when he was young, so that his education was not smooth, he served in the arsenal as graduated from the department of Mechanical Engineering of National Central University (NCU), and then he earned an opportunity to obtain the public funds to study in the UK for two years because he did the outstanding performance in the arsenal. And later he went to Taiwan from Mainland China to teach the young people patiently, and taught that academic research methods like ‘Find and solve problems, to record the result of research’ to the industrial occupations, and indirectly laid the foundation of social prosperity.
I founded my first Metal Works at the age of 13-year-old in 1966, my brain was full of my father’s ‘manufacturing processes’, but after a tremendous purchasing orders were influx as water coming that ‘method’ should be required for digestion. Coincidentally, Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu provided me a method to integrate the manufacturing processes, and kept all the purchasing orders which came from abroad and very unique to Taiwan. And I must say that there’re two firms listed on the NYSE—Avnet Inc. and Mattel Inc. should be the most beneficiaries of above mentioned processing methods. In those past days, Mr. Ma did not show off the doctor degree to others, but earnestly impart his knowledge and his attitude of human being. In contrast, today we can see too many PhDs on the streets and at the campuses to contribute, their opinions for the future just ‘disintegrating’; when mentioned the practice they’ll answer “We knew theory only!” When you keep digging, you’ll discover they are in a very limited domain as the ancient philosopher Lao-tzu described, ‘Pirate’s boast(盜誇)’ that how to resolve the social dilemma? At last, I open the computer to search about Mr. Ma and acknowledge he is alive. May God bless Professor Ma Chen-Chiu ! 


Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu’s Book: “The Notes of Fuel Cells

Published in 2008



馬承九老師(Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu)1915年生於河南省,2018年卒於台灣台南;馬老師早年畢業於國立中央大學機械系,1944年留學英國1947~1948年擔任「瀋陽兵工署九○工廠」工程師暨第二所所長,1948年擔任台灣省立工學院機械系專任副教授-1953升任機械系專任教授,1956年台灣省立工學院改制為「省立成功大學」擔任機械系專任教授至1971年,省立成功大學1971年改制為「國立成功大學」擔任機械系專任教授至1985 (70),後轉任兼任教授至2008(93)那一年出版了《燃料電池札記》。